Kids in Cuba suffer no crime.
Photo René Silveira Toledo

Your visa to visit and enjoy Cuban life and culture

Learn all about Cuban Visitor Visas

Global Relations guests receive their Cuban visas as a part of the tour package.

How to fill out your Cuban Visa

The image is an example of a Cuban Visa – sometimes referred to as a Cuban visitor’s card or Cuban entry card. This example shows how to fill it out. Don’t make errors, or it will have to be replaced. Don’t lose your Visa in Cuba, or it will have to be replaced.

Cuban tourist visas for Americans.
Example of a Cuban Tourist Visa for used for flights from the United States to Cuba.

How long is a Cuban Visa valid?

The Cuban Visa is valid for 90 days and can be renewed in Cuba for another 90 days for a total stay of 180 days.

How do I obtain a Cuban Visa?

Your Cuban Visa is included in your Global Relations Cuba tour package. It will be sent to you at the address on your tour registration.