When you make a credit card payment from our website, the data is encrypted. The transaction takes place directly between Authorize.net and you. We don’t see the data, don’t retain it, or have access to it.
Protecting our guests via trust and technology
Privacy policy – you’re in control
We do not have access to your credit card data
Our website security is certified and validated
GoDaddy.com® certifies and validates the online security of our two-part 256-bit cryptography and attests to the identity of CubaExplorer.com. The presence of SSL and https protocols means communications between your browser and our website is private and secure.
Information collection, use, and sharing
We use your information to facilitate your specific travel requests. Under no circumstance will we share your information with any organization or agency other than those necessary for travel arrangements. Nor will we sell, rent or lend this information to anyone ever – period.
Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you in the future to tell you about new Cuba programs. You may opt out of any future contact from us at any time.
Your ongoing access and control over information
- See what information we have on you if any
- Change and or correct any information you’ve provided
- Express any concern you have about our use of your data
Retention and protection of your information
Only staff who facilitate legal travel arrangements have access to your information. The computers and servers on which your personal information is stored and maintained in a secure environment.
If you feel we are not abiding by our privacy policy, or if you have other privacy concerns, contact us via telephone at 1-815-842-2475 toll free or email us.